Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Download YouTube Videos on Your Mobile Without Any Apps OR Software 

Hello Everyone I am showing you how to download youtube video directly into you gallery without any software and Application with easy Method by Hindi.

This video is all about How to download video on YouTube in android phone in urdu and hindi
Download YouTube Videos on Android without any software
download youtube video to android phone without app
how to download youtube video in android phone without Software in hindi
download youtube video without downloader
download youtube videos android without app
how to download youtube videos on android without any app
how to download youtube videos on android phone without any software
how to download youtube videos on android without tubemate
how to download youtube videos without downloader in android
Download Youtube Videos On Phone Without Any Apps

Follow the Steps

  1.  Open Youtube App on mobile. 
  2. search it whih you want to show and download the video
  3. Copy the URL ( Click the share button and copy link)
  4. Paste URL on your Browser.
  5. add "ss" text on your url in between https://www.ssyoutube.com/watch?v=Fan861LGMvM
Example : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fan861LGMvM

Change into 


6. Savefrom.net --> Download the video with HD quality 

7. Go to on mobile gallery and see your video its download with HD quality.

Thank you for visit 

Important Links :-

Hack Save Password 

To view save password of web page
Just follow the below steps
1) Type the user name which all ready save on that computer
2) Then U can se increptaed password so Just right click on password filed
3) U can see Inspect element option so click on that
& then change the type="password" to type="text" for the temporary.
4) finaly U can see the password as a normal text & after ur work reset the setting u
Email Forge

1. Some ISP's block port 25 so it might not work
2. Most likely, you won't be able to see what yer typing

First of all, you need an SMTP server. These are extremely common and, in fact, I'll provide one for you (mail.hotmail.com). SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. This service runs on port 25 (in most cases) and is used to send outgoing email.

Now, open up the command prompt and telnet to mail.hotmail.com on port 25 (note: to see what you type, type telnet and enter then type in set local_echo):

telnet mail.hotmail.com 25

When yer connected type in (except what's in between *'s; you chose what will go in the []):

mail from:[whoever]@[whoever.com]
rcpt to:[whoever]@[whoever.com]
[whatever you want]
[as many]
[lines as wished]

Helo is just a handshake with the server. Mail from: is FROM who you want the email to be. rcpt to: is who you want the email to go to. under data is what you want sent. the '.' ends data. quit quits. There! simple isn't it.